
Key Partnerships Advance 多样性 和 Inclusion Goals


While Wabtec’s journey to become a more diverse 和 inclusive company is still in its early days, the company’s strategy to make this journey productive 和 empowering has already taken flight. 这是因为多样性和包容性&I)不仅仅是Wabtec的人力资源倡议, it’s a central underpinning of the company’s business 和 a key tenet of its new 愿景、使命和价值观.

“Embrace 多样性” is one of Wabtec’s four 值: “We celebrate a variety of experiences, 专业知识, 和背景, 并渴望创造一个我们都属于的地方.“Wabtec 2022年可持续发展报告, specifically its “Empowering People 和 Communities” pillar, further details how fundamental D&一是为公司现在和将来的成功:

我们越来越多地利用数据, 引入新标准, 和 deploying training 和 technology to optimize inclusive hiring processes that drive greater diversity; leveraging diversity-focused recruitment platforms; 和 exp和ing our on-campus recruiting programs as additional means to diversify our employee base.” (p. 30、Wabtec 2022可持续发展报告)

When it comes to:谈到&我,瓦台克想澄清两件事. 首先,维&我不是一个“拥有很好” 这是必须的. The company has made a public pledge to its 董事会, 股东, 和所有的利益相关者,Wabtec将会见具体的D&到2030年的目标. 反过来,公司的利益相关者也会这么做 对公司负责 为了实现这些目标. Specifically, Wabtec is looking to increase employee representation among people of color in the U.S.,以及全球女性.

Key Partnerships Advance 多样性 和 Inclusion Goals

第二,维&我是 改善业务绩效的催化剂. “不提倡和重视D的公司&我让他们自己和他们的员工付出了代价,艾琳娜·巴特勒说, Wabtec全球多元化和包容性主管. “When employees don’t feel safe bringing their true 和 authentic selves to work, they expend a lot of energy protecting their identity from their leaders 和 colleagues.

“That energy can be put to much better use, 和 that’s exactly what we are doing 在Wabtec. We are all about welcoming 和 encouraging employees to be themselves, 这样他们就可以把精力集中在创造上, 创新, 和 collaborative to help Wabtec move the needle as a company 和 on the industry as a whole.”


So how does the company attract prospective employees from historically under-represented demographics 和 assure them Wabtec is a place where they can grow 和 be their best, 真实的自我?


“我们的D的一个关键支柱&Wabtec的战略是“包容性招聘”,’ 和 achieving that depends heavily on diversity recruiting,巴特勒说. “Our Talent Acquisition Team knows from experience that in order to increase representation for women 和 people of color in our business, 我们必须有意识, both about where we go to recruit talent 和 how we show up when we do.”

One way to ensure the company is looking in the right places – 和 that people in those “right places” see Wabtec as an attractive employer – is through diversity partners. These partners provide their members access to employers such as Wabtec (和 vice versa) through job postings 和 networking events. 

And while Wabtec has placed an emphasis on attracting women 和 people of color, its recruiting mission with diversity partners extends beyond gender 和 ethnicity to include military veterans, 残疾人士, LGBTQ+社区, 和更多的.


So, who are Wabtec’s partners in diversity recruitment? 它们目前包括 《100个美国黑人瑟古德·马歇尔学院基金 (for attracting Black job c和idates); the 亚洲科学家学会 & 工程师 (for reaching Asian heritage professionals); the 女工程师学会 (与女工程师交流); 残疾: (for reaching 残疾人士); 和 出 & 平等的开始营业 (获奖理由:进军LGBTQ+社区).

这一策略正在发挥作用. So much so th在Wabtec has added four new diversity partners in 2023:

Key Partnerships Advance 多样性 和 Inclusion Goals

“We need to cast a wide net to ensure we are talking to as diverse a slate of job c和idates as possible. We have found the most efficient 和 effective way to do this is through our diversity partnerships,希瑟·斯科特说, 人才招聘主管-美洲, 在Wabtec. “简单地说, our partners have the reach 和 reputation to help us engage with the diverse talent pool we desire.”

多元化伙伴关系在两个关键方面帮助了Wabtec. Partners such as Fairygodboss 和 专业多元化网络 pull all the company’s available jobs 和 post them on their sites, putting Wabtec job openings in front of a) more people 和 b) people in the diversity demographics the company is targeting. 其他合作伙伴, such as the 女工程师学会 和 招募军队 enable Wabtec to interact with job c和idates at key in-person 和 virtual events.

Added Schott, “As of May 2023, we have already hired more women than we did in all of 2022. I attribute that stat to the great work of our Wabtec recruiting teams, but I know our diversity partnerships are a part of the equation as well.”

斯科特说到点子上了. 是的, 这些合作伙伴关系正在提供新的、更好的线索, but it is the One Wabtec approach that is converting them.


“我们在构建D方面做得越来越好&我对我们所做的一切都很感兴趣,"巴特勒总结道. “当我们有意为D&I 和 reimagine our processes from this perspective, we improve both the process 和 outcome.”

例如,故意的&重塑了招聘的方方面面. Wabtec不仅针对多元化的员工, but it is ensuring a diverse mix of leaders 和 employees are involved in the interview process. 除了, the company is leveraging its Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) throughout the talent acquisition process, whether in the interview process or “out in the field” as it meets with prospective c和idates at various events. 

的外卖? 当公司作为一个Wabtec一起工作时, 求职者不只是听到Wabtec说, “我们重视多样性”——他们看到Wabtec活在其中, through authentic interactions with people like them at a place they could see themselves belonging.
